Before we start, lets take a look at "Intel Edison Kit for Arduino Hardware Guide" we will find Arduino pin table as seen below. These table explain which GPIO address in linux substitute to Arduino Uno GPIO pin. There are two SoC pin modes you can configure: 0 as GPIO and 1 as specific pin usage.
As an example we set digital IO pin 13 as output, because
Intel Edison Arduino Kit already have Led connected to pin 13 the same as
Arduino Uno.
If, we look at the table above there is a note before we
configure digital IO we need to set pin 214 (TRI_STATE_ALL) to low, after
complete we have to set pin 214 to high again. Here are the step by step:
- Set pin 214 to low
- export pin 261, 229 and 40
- Set pin 261 as output enabled (high)
- Set pin 229 to high for pullup enable or low to disable
- Set mode 0 for pin 40 as digital IO
- Set pin 214 to high
- To set GPIO 13 high, set pin 40 value to high
- To set GPIO 13 low, set pin 40 value to low
How do we configure it in linux? Now, connect and logon to
your Intel Edison remotely with SSH tools (putty). At prompt type:
echo low >
# prepare io pin to be use
echo –n “261” >
echo –n “229” >
echo –n “40” > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo high >
echo high >
echo mode0 >
echo high >
# set output value for gpio pin 13 to
echo high >
# set output value for gpio pin 13 to
echo low >
Don’t forget, when you’ve done using gpio just remove
configuration by unexport all used pin as an example to remove pin 40:
echo –n “40”
> /sys/class/gpio/unexport
If we not remove, when we start the same pin and export it,
it will show warning message “Device or resource busy”. But, you can still
using it. By default pin 214 already export when we start Intel Edison, so you
don’t need to export it.
Now, how do we run it from java? If you look at those script
you’ll find 4 function; export, unexport, direction/write and mode. In here we
describe it as
1. GPIO configuration constants
// const declaration for using GPIO
final static String _GPIO_EXPORT =
"/sys/class/gpio/export"; // prepare pin export
final static String _GPIO_UNEXPORT =
"/sys/class/gpio/unexport"; // prepare remove pin
final static String _GPIO_IO_VALUE =
"/sys/class/gpio/gpio"; // prepare io pin value/direction
final static String _GPIO_MODE =
"/sys/kernel/debug/gpio_debug/gpio"; // prepare pin mode
2. Function for export GPIO pin
// this function is use for export io
// example: echo –n “40” >
private static void gpio_export(int
iopin) {
try {
OutputStream ioExport = new
OutputStreamWriter ioExportWrite =
new OutputStreamWriter(ioExport);
catch (Exception ex) {
Export Error: " + ex.toString());
3. Function for write value to GPIO pin (direction)
private static void gpio_write(int iopin,
int value) {
try {
OutputStream ioDirection = new
FileOutputStream(_GPIO_IO_VALUE + Integer.toString(iopin) +
OutputStreamWriter ioDirectionWrite
= new OutputStreamWriter(ioDirection);
if (value == 0) {
// set output to high state
else {
ioDirectionWrite.write("high"); // set output to low state
catch (Exception ex) {
Direction Error: " + ex.toString());
4. Function for set GPIO pin mode
private static void gpio_digital(int iopin)
try {
OutputStream ioMode = new
FileOutputStream(_GPIO_MODE + Integer.toString(iopin) +
OutputStreamWriter ioModeWrite =
new OutputStreamWriter(ioMode);
catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("GPIO Mode
Error: " + ex.toString());
You have at least 3 function for running digital IO pin as
output. For unexport the GPIO from linux you just use the same function as
gpio_export except you need to use _GPIO_UNEXPORT const. Here are the complete
example for configure GPIO pin 13 (just create gpiotest project from you Netbeans):
package gpiotest;
public class Gpiotest {
final static String _GPIO_EXPORT = "/sys/class/gpio/export";
final static String _GPIO_UNEXPORT = "/sys/class/gpio/unexport";
final static String _GPIO_IO_VALUE = "/sys/class/gpio/gpio";
final static String _GPIO_MODE =
final static int _SHIELD_PIN13 = 40;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
int iOutValue = 0;
try {
gpio_write(214, 0);
// set IO Pin 13 as output
gpio_write(261, 1); // output
gpio_write(229, 1); // pull up
gpio_write(214, 1);
while (true) {
if (iOutValue == 0) {
gpio_write(_SHIELD_PIN13, iOutValue);
iOutValue = 1;
else {
iOutValue = 0;
catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Main App
Error: " + ex.toString());
private static void gpio_export(int iopin) {
try {
OutputStream ioExport = new
OutputStreamWriter ioExportWrite =
new OutputStreamWriter(ioExport);
catch (Exception ex) {
Export Error: " + ex.toString());
private static void gpio_write(int iopin, int value) {
try {
OutputStream ioDirection = new
FileOutputStream(_GPIO_IO_VALUE + Integer.toString(iopin) +
OutputStreamWriter ioDirectionWrite
= new OutputStreamWriter(ioDirection);
if (value == 0) {
else {
catch (Exception ex) {
Direction Error: " + ex.toString());
private static void gpio_digital(int iopin) {
try {
OutputStream ioMode = new
FileOutputStream(_GPIO_MODE + Integer.toString(iopin) +
OutputStreamWriter ioModeWrite =
new OutputStreamWriter(ioMode);
catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("GPIO Mode
Error: " + ex.toString());
If you having problem to run and code java
remotely to your Intel Edison, you may look at my “Intel
Edison with Netbeans” tutorial.
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